Signature Talk | "Posing Beauty"

Selected date

Thursday October 24

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Selected time

6:00 PM  –  7:00 PM

Fifth Third Gallery, Sinton Gallery, and Taft Historic House open until 6 p.m.

Speaker | Deborah Willis, PhD, Professor and Chair of the Department of Photography & Imaging at the Tisch School of the Arts, New York University 

The artists in this exhibition are thoughtful and critical about producing images that have been traditionally excluded or overlooked by the art historical canon. Each of the images discussed represents the importance of implementing a radical approach to depicting the complexity and depth of the Black beauty and Black subjectivity in art and culture globally. Moreover, each artist’s distinct articulation reveals narratives that underwrite social constructs, while imbuing the image with a transformative character, and abstract dimension for other imaginaries to emerge. The photographers and artists that Willis will discuss employ the complexity of a gaze that is active as it questions the past and present.

Free for Taft members; $10 for non-members. Event admission includes the opportunity for attendees to view the special exhibition before the talk.

Members please note: you must be logged into our ticket system to receive your full member benefits and discounts on admission!

Supported by FotoFocus
Sponsored by Pamela and Lennell Myricks, Jr.  
Supported by the Stanley and Frances D. Cohen Lecture Series

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